Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tai Chi Sabre in Brighton

"A command of the traditional Taijiquan weapons, Sabre, Straightsword and Qiang, or Spear, enables practitioners to take the early concepts from barehand solo and partner work much further, bringing the work to higher levels of skill. This in turn matures the understanding of the early stages of the curriculum. For example, in the barehand work we come to understand the basic structure of the Gong Bu, or Bow Stance. This enables us to learn solo form and Push Hands drills correctly and progress to weapons training. But when we begin to study Sabre or Straightsword, we see that the Bow Stance behaves quite differently than in barehand circumstances. It often needs to be longer and narrower to support the use of the blade. Having learned and embodied this we can then explore the stance variations in a barehand context which in turn enables us to develop new sword-like barehand skills. Thus in order to deepen understanding of barehand work, apparatus training is used." Sam Masich

We not only have the pleasure of hosting Sam again in the UK in a few weeks time, but I will be teaching a Sabre Day to help everyone prepare this Saturday 3rd March in Hove. Everyone's welcome, although you'll need some experience of Tai Chi, Kung Fu or similar to get the most from the training (not necessarily weapons, that's what the classes are for).

Get in touch, book your places, and bring your Tai Chi friends!

01903 369501 / 07825 410967

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